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Community Inclusion Initiative

Creating 200 inclusive yoga classes in 2021


Community Inclusion Initiative 


Community Organization Application

Free Virtual Yoga Classes

If you would like to recieve 5 FREE virtual yoga classes please fill out the applicaiton here: 

Community Organization Application - Google Forms


Thank you for reaching out and we will be in touch soon!


Teacher Applications are Closed

Dear teachers, 


Our Community Inclusion Initiative - 200 FREE Inclusive Yoga Classes in 2021  This wellness initiative is a way for me to give back to my students in a time of crisis and a away to help bridge the gap in weekly yoga classes for individuals living with an intellectual and developmental disability in 2021; with emphasis on virtual programming and classes. 


Our goals for the Community Inclusion Initiative 2021 are:


  1. To provide more special needs yoga teacher training programs 


  1. To create more inclusive yoga classes in schools, yoga studios, community centers, residential and day programs who serving individuals with disabilities


  1. We hope to build stronger community relationships for individuals with special needs 


  1. While educating on the importance of community inclusion for individuals living with an intellectual and developmental disabilities and those who care for them


In pursuit of creating more inclusive virtual and community yoga classes for students with special needs, I am seeking 10 yoga instructors who are ready to broaden their scope of teaching and help create more inclusive classrooms for individuals of all abilities. 


Ten (10) yoga teachers will be selected to complete the Yoga for Special Needs - Creating Inclusive School & Community Classes teacher training program; a 25hr continuing education yoga teacher training program, accredited by the Yoga Alliance Foundation. 


As a teacher training initiative to help create more inclusive yoga classes, 10 teachers will receive the yoga for special needs teacher training program at no cost in exchange for teaching 10-30 minute inclusive community yoga classes for special needs. 


These classes will be free of cost to the participants and can easily lead to regularly scheduled, paid classes after completing your community services hours.   


In addition teachers who complete the program will be listed on the Best Self Wellness Yoga for Special Needs website as a certified yoga for special needs instructor with a teacher directory for booking classes with you.  


Together we will create more inclusive yoga classes and help redefine the way yoga is approached in the growing field of special education. 


To be considered for the Community Inclusion Initiative teacher training cohort, please fill out the application here:



If your organization is interested in receiving free inclusive yoga classes in 2021, please email Jodi @ 




We are always looking for volunteers, board members and community sponsors to help carry out our mission of creating more inclusive wellness programs and classes for all bodies and minds.



Lots of Love, 








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